Florida Frontiersmen Membership Information

Membership Information

Becoming a Florida Frontiersmen, Inc. Member

When you come to one of the Florida Frontiersmen Inc.’s meets introduce yourself to any member, tell them that you are interested in becoming a member and that you need a sponsor to help you to become a Florida Frontiersmen member. If they don’t know or have the answer, they will point you to who can.

It is important that you work with your Florida Frontiersmen mentor. Your mentor will help lead you on your journey to becoming a Florida Frontiersmen.

Begin your learning journey by:

1)   Obtaining a Prospective Members Requirement List Card from the Secretary.

2)   Attending two meetings not counting the meeting at which you received your application. Have your process card signed by the Secretary or other officer after each meeting.

3)   Volunteering with the 1st Vice President and Range Officer or representative for two duties at one or more of our monthly meetings. One Official Scorer of targets session, and the other as a Range Safety Officer (if you are uncomfortable around guns you may do two scoring sessions). Each session lasts two hours. Through your training you will shadow a more experienced member. Muzzle loading shooting is part of our pre-1840 and Club’s history. All members are expected to volunteer regularly for these duties. Have your card signed off after each session by the 1st Vice President and Range Officer or representative.

4)   Attend at least one workday. We have workdays throughout the year. The club depends on its volunteer members for the care and maintenance of our 323 acres and outbuildings. After attending your workday, have your card signed by the 2nd Vice President and Property Manager or representative.

5)   Attending a Range Safety class (held on an as needed basis) you will gain an understanding of the workings and safety of muzzle loading guns, and our black powder ranges. Muzzle loading shooting safety is very important. Though you may not shoot, you will also gain a better understanding of the pre-1840 time period and America’s history. After attending the Range Safety Course have your card signed by the Range Safety instructor. 

6)   Reading, understanding, and following the Florida Frontiersmen Constitution and Bylaws, first adopted by the Club at their June 1986 meet, you will learn the rules that regulate our Club. 

7)   Understanding our Club’s history will help you understand the Florida Frontiersmen, Inc.

a)         Reading A HISTORY OF THE FLORIDA FRONTIERSMEN by Lee Betz will give you insight into our Club’s beginnings.

b)         Reading FLORIDA FRONTIERSMEN HISTORY SEMINAR 1972-1986 by Ron Clark gives more Florida Frontiersmen’s history up to the Peace River Range.

To see our schedule and other FFI information go to our website at Events, then under the Member’s Resource tab located at the top of the page and put your cursor over it, you should see Website Registration, click or tap on that and register.

Once you become a member you will be part of a Florida Frontiersmen family and have opportunities for the following.

Membership Benefits – As a member you have full access to:

  • Family membership
  • Over 300 acres gated property
  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Wildlife Watching
  • Range Shooting
  • Seminars

Monthly Competitions – As a member you have full access to:

  • Muzzle Loading
  • Archery
  • Hawk & Knife
  • Compete for monthly, quarterly and yearly prizes and awards
  • Yearly gun drawing for monthly shooting competitors

As a full Club member, you will 

  • Receive a monthly newsletter.
  • Have voting privileges.
  • Can register on the FFI website.
  • Become a member of the FFI Facebook Page.
  • Have Alafia River Rendezvous® reduced rate and early setup privileges.

Important Dates

Our monthly meet date is set by a tradition that dates to 1972 when the Club was formed. You can find that monthly date by looking for the first Sunday of the month on a calendar. We meet on the preceding Saturday and that first Sunday. The Club membership business meeting is held a 3 PM on Saturday. There is also a seminar each month at 2 PM. Both are held at the Parthenon.

The Alafia dates are set by another traditional date from the Alafia River Long Rifle’s shoot date, the fourth Sunday of the month. The Alafia dates are set by the fourth Sunday in January and the preceding week.If you have any questions please contact me, or any of your Club officers listed below. We are here to help you learn about the Florida Frontiersmen, Inc. and its great tradition, and for you to enjoy your membership.

Interested? Contact secretary@floridafrontiersmen.org