Florida Frontiersmen Alafia River Rendezvous®

Alafia River Rendezvous®

To learn more about the Alafia River Rendezvous® click on this link> Alafia River Rendezvous®

Take a trip back in time. Come see a living portrayal of pre-1840 America. is has approximately 1400 participants who are dressed in clothing and staying in tents and shelters that would have been seen in pre-1840 America.
Visitors will enjoy a program of music, games, and see artisans demonstrating crafts such as flint knapping, broom making, blacksmithing, soap making, weaving and more. There will be vendors for food and pre-1840 merchandise for sale.
This annual event helps provide scholarships to local high school students as well as other educational and learning opportunities for the public.

Florida Frontiersmen in 1985