Florida Frontiersmen On the Range Rules

On the Range Rules

  1. Only black powder or its equivalent such as Pyrodex is permitted.  NO SMOKELESS POWDER will be permitted during a Florida Frontiersmen event.  Powder charges must never exceed the maximum safe volumes as published by the arms manufacturer or the Range Safety Officer in charge.  Heavy charges are not necessary for punching holes in paper targets.
  2. Only muzzle loading or cylinder loading firearms (flint or percussion) are permitted during Florida Frontiersmen events.  For special events, the Chief Range Officer may extend competition matches to include cartridge long arms that use black powder. The Chief Range Officer shall set rules for these matches.  Any black powder cartridge matches shall not be eligible for club quarterly or annual prizes.
  3. The Range Safety Officer in charge must approve guns being fired for the first time at any Florida Frontiersmen event, regardless of the experience of the shooter, for use.
  4. Rifles, handguns and/or smooth bore long arms (flint or percussion) must conform to the following:
    1. Rifles may only be loaded with patched round balls.
    2. Revolvers must be loaded with round balls and not more than one chamber at a time.
    3. Smooth bore long arms, when used as a shotgun, shall be loaded with patched round shot and not exceed the recommended field load.
    4. Modern inline black powder rifles are prohibited from use in any Florida Frontiersmen Event.
  5. Before loading, it is the shooters responsibility to check to determine that the firearm is clean, functional and safe to fire.
  6. Each shooter, prior to entering the range for the first time and on an annual basis thereafter, shall read, sign and adhere to the “Florida Frontiersmen Range Rules.”